Big screenshots make the editor’s life easy on matching the dick with the screenshot. The higher the resolution, the better result. Anything that goes agains the general rules of the board (like shota or furries)ģ- Some quality guidelines for better results Fanart (it includes youtube or amateur animations). 3D is also welcome as long it's official, but it's up to the editors.Ģ- Things that does not go in this thread: It includes cartoons, anime, comics, game art and concept. Strange gay (cuntboys, dickgirls etc) >/d/Ġ media | 1 replies Screenshot Edit Thread NO FANART, NO COLORING, ONLY OFFICIAL MATERIALġ- This thread is for editing still frames from preferably official 2D sources. If you do make a thread post 5-6 images to get the thread going. When making a new thread check the catalog >/y/catalog to make sure a thread for that series/content doesn't already exist This is an image board so post fullsized images. y/ is for sharing 2D male homosexual NSFW content (sex full nudity etc)